青青合唱團  Ching Ching Chorus

青青指揮 Conductor

張智真   Karl Chang  

陳治淵   CY Chen

2025 青青幹部 Staff

(團長)     范如美   Tammy Jiang

              TEL: 408-218-1585  

(副團長)  劉筱倫   Helen Lee

               TEL: 408-533-2757

親愛的青青朋友們大家好 !




Ching Ching resumes the weekly rehearsals beginning January 25, 2025. If you are thinking about joining or coming to see us, now is a great time! Please contact and visit us, and Ching Ching members welcome back!

青青合唱團練唱時間為每週六下午 2:00 ~ 5:00

(國定假日 Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day 的週六停練)


Church of the Ascension

12033 Miller Ave, Saratoga CA 95070 [map]

想來青青看看,請按本頁右上方的 Contact Us 留下的資料,我們將與你聯絡


Rehearsal Time at 2:00 ~ 5:00pm on Saturdays

 (No rehearsals on Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day weekends)

We currently practice indoors at the following location

Church of the Ascension

12033 Miller Ave, Saratoga CA 95070 [map]

Please click Contact Us located at the upper right-hand corner, and we will reach out to you.







Ching Ching was formed with a group of Stanford students and people from the society who have passion in singing back in 1981. Up to current, we have approximately 200 members in the past decade. And we have around 100 members attend our weekly rehearsals 



Ching Ching members are mainly from US, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Macau and Southeast Asia, also Westerners who study Mandarin.  And these people are college students, people from the society, community and retirees.  


青青的練唱曲目包括台灣和大陸民歌民謠、中國藝術歌曲、現代創作歌曲、西洋合唱經典、世界各國民歌、黑人靈歌、歌劇選曲、著名音樂劇、中西流行歌曲等等, 也演唱團員自己所編的歌曲。青青每年至少推出一場音樂會,有歌有舞, 又唱又跳又演,是灣區最為精彩生動的合唱音樂會。

Songs that we practice are Taiwanese and Chinese ballads, folk songs, morden songs, classics, songs in foreign languages, Black soul songs, opera, classic musical and Asian pop songs. We hold an public concert yearly.   


青青是個愛樂社團,更是個歌唱的大家庭。每一位喜歡唱歌的人,不論音樂素養高低, 都可以自由加入青青,和大伙兒一起歡唱。青青沒有設定任何試音門檻,只要繳交團費(每年五十元美金)和參加練唱, 便可以成為正式團員,並領到一本當年的精緻歌曲選集。

Ching Ching is a big family and welcomes everyone who loves singing no matter how much you know about music, Therefore, we don't have an audition. As long as you pay the membership fee ($50 per year) and attend the weekly rehearsals, then you become a Ching Ching member for the year. In addition, you will receive a songbook for the year you attend.    


青青每週六下午例行練唱(每年有幾個國定假日長週末停練一次),目標是為了每年年底舉行一次對外公演。 其他音樂活動包括與別的社團聯合演出、舉辦音樂營或音樂欣賞、基本樂理、聲樂技巧講座等等。 聯誼活動則有排舞、郊遊、登山、聚餐、卡拉OK等。 近年來青青每年也舉辦郵輪或巴士旅遊,反應熱烈,活動成功,吸引了許多團內團外的朋友參加。 

Besides weekly rehearsal and annual performance, we also have performances with other choirs, music camp, music theory seminar, vocal seminar. For social activities, we have line dancing, hiking, bus tours, cruise traveling and so on. 


做為青青團員幾乎不受什麼強制性的義務約束,但是希望你能準時出席練唱,踴躍參加演出, 熱心擔任團內各項職務以及參與各項活動。這些期望其實更像是團員的權利,而非義務。 你在團務範圍內享有選舉權和被選舉權,參加各項活動也比非團員享受更多優待。

We encourage Ching Ching members to attend weekly rehearsal, the annual performance and also willing to serve the choir by taking job positions in the chorus.       


青青每年以團員選舉方式產生團長及財務委員,並由團長遴選各行政幹部推動團務。 音樂訓練也是由團員中音樂素養深厚者擔任指揮、伴奏及各聲部領導。這是一個完全自治而融洽的音樂社團。

The Ching Ching president and treasurer get elected by the members every year. And then the president will create a team to serve the choir for the following year. Musical training team includes conductors, accompanist and section leaders.